Dragon Eyes 

Dragon Eyes 

On Friday afternoons, we do Action Stations. This term, I chose to make Dragon Eyes.

First, we read some descriptions of dragons and identified their characteristics.

Then we completed a planning sheet, considering what we wanted our dragon to be like. We thought about personality, colour and features.

I decided I wanted my dragon to be colourful and kind with a flower the colour on its eyes are blue, green and black.   

After, we used the clay I put the eye into the clay then I used the popsicle stick for scales then I made my Designs.

Finally, we painted them.

My insta pose

Santa is coming so kids go to bed and get to sleep and if you are not nice you will get coal.


Some people decorate their houses for Christmas.


In some countries it  snows and they can build snowman and make snow angels.


Some people even get to take pictures with Santa and in some malls there will be a big Christmas tree with the big star on the top.


And at night people put cookies milk and carrots for Santa and the dark brown reindeers on their table for them to eat.


So get ready for Christmas kids.

We have been learning about ugly animals

We have been learning about ugly animals. We had to find out where it lives what it eats and what habitat it lives in.


It lives in tree-top roosts.


It eats fruit from the tips of high rimu branches, juicy supplejack vines and orchard tubers grubbed out of the ground.


 The Habitat that it lives in is protected forest sanctuaries.

For enquiry we were learning a dance

For Enquiry we we’re learning a dance. This is how we did  it we planed out what we were doing after that we did  people showing their moves for the dance but for that  we had to pick a song and are song was no place like home. After we had all the Moves we had to put it all together. finally we had to go to places to make a movie. I really like the dance.

How to make recycled water bottles in to close


For enquiry we are doing how to make recycled water bottles into clothes we have to research and watch videos to find out that information then we write it all down they signed water bottles to clean did it goes through  a machine and it makes it into little pieces and then they softens and coloured it but they need to thread string so they can get the base of the shirts.

A kitten I found on the grass

My heart was beaten faster and faster when my feet were hitting the hot pavement.  A little ball of fluff on grass looked so adorable. I wish it was my cat. Its eyes are green and it’s a grey black and white cat. It likes to nibbles on the grass. You can only just see it because the grass is too high to see the kitten and it rolls on to is stomach and it is so cute I gave it a tummy rub and it licked me. I wanted to take it home but I know it wasn’t the right thing to do so I played with it for a while  I ran home and checked if it was still there the next day and it was waiting for me so I stayed for a couple of hours and bought some food for it and I went back to check on it every day to make sure it was there and it was there every single day the kitten was so adorable. I really like the color of the cat. It is the cutest little kitten I’ve ever seen.